(click on the pink links to read some of my work)
“The Collateral Recovery Business,” Catapult (Spring 2019)
“Excerpts from a Zombie Girl’s Diary,” Sequestrum (Fall 2017)
“Show Me Spring,” Sou’wester (Spring 2015)
“Pipe Hugger,” [PANK] (Fall 2014)
“Transmissions from the Baby Monitor,” The Normal School (Fall 2014)
“Ramona,” American Short Fiction (Spring 2014)
“Morning,” Crossborder (Spring 2014)
“Vanishing Point,” The New Guard, finalist judged by Rick Bass (Spring 2014)
“Wednesday” and “Bear Hunt,” Hobart (Fall 2013)
“The Woman Whistles,” B O D Y (Fall 2013)
“Produce,” Tweed’s Magazine of Literature and Art (Spring 2013)
“My Husband’s House,” Copper Nickel, special mention selected by Kevin Wilson (Fall 2012)
“Dear John,“ Guernica (Fall 2012)
“The Cellar,” The Massachusetts Review (Summer 2012)
“What You Are Now Enjoying,” Hayden’s Ferry Review (Fall/Winter 2007-08)
“Careless Daughters,” Redivider (Spring 2007)
“Wonder Woman Grew Up in Nebraska,” Small Spiral Notebook (Spring 2007)
“Ordinary Use,” Sonora Review (Spring 2006)
“Sex Nanny,” The Cream City Review (Spring 2006)
“My Father as a Gay Man,” North Dakota Quarterly (Fall 2004)
“Office Injuries,” The Nebraska Review (Spring/Fall 2004)
“Hank,” Orchid: A Literary Review, Pushcart Prize nominee (Fall 2004)